Monday, August 31, 2015

Days 5 and 6: Give thanks in all Circumstances!

Friday night I had to say goodbye to my absolutely awesome social worker/facilitator Iryna :( 

The most awesome, Iryna!

 Me and Yulia at L's school!
But thankfully and excitedly I waited for my dear friend Yulia to visit me from another city (P) that is East of KR.  She was willing to take the night train (yeah, she loves me) to come visit me in KR for the weekend and help me communicate with L!  What a sweet blessing she was!!! 

L liked taking pictures of us!

The next few days were just a blur of wonderful visits with L (with a great translator so really good conversations!).  And of course, Yulia and I had a wonderful time together when we were not visiting the school!  We took the "Mashutka" which is a large van that has been fixed like a bus and um....I'm trying to say something nice about The driver was very cheerful and helpful!   After our first mashutka experience we ended up with soaked pants... not sure how the cloth seat was  so so very wet after sitting I also dont have a washer so I've been wearing the same pants for like 10 days... yes the same ones that got soaked on the mashutka.  When things like these happen most people smile and say "Hey! Welcome to U!"  They are right!  and really I love that attitude... so what if some strange liquid has dried on my only pants...I get to be L's momma forever because this country decided to welcome Americans into its borders! Praise the Lord!!!  

Another fun thing about traveling in U is that the roads are a war zone... I mean... haven't been repaired at all for like 30 years....maybe longer.  Drivers do not like to hit all these crazy deep pot holes so they would rather swerve in and out of oncoming traffic or onto the sidewalks to avoid said holes.  Think Harry Potter's night bus experience only we didn't have a magical "shrink and squeeze button" to fit between the impossible is no wonder that "victim of a bus collision" has its own medical code name here. So if you are susceptible to any motion sickness at all you should not ride a mashutka..... um....what on earth is on my pants?! 

Anyway I was able to take the Mashutka with Yulia to find a book store and I got some awesome Russian fairytale books for L!  Books here are so so cheap!  After I left I thought I should have bought several more than I did! 
So, Saturday was just full of wonderful visits with L and her sweet class.  I’m really really loving this little band of munchkins!  A few of them have families on the way but two of these darlings still are looking for their forever family!  Could it be you?  Please contact me if you are interested….

 Meet Charlie! You can learn more about how to adopt this absolutely adorible, oh so so sweet, little guy by following this link to his Reeces rainbow page
this is Charlie... I could fill a novel about his sweet nature!

Meet cuddle bug Rebecca

Meet Rebecca! She is such a leader in her groupa and so so snuggly! I could hug this girl all day! Could you? If you would like to learn more about how to adopt this little snuggle bug follow this link to Reece's Rainbow

L really liked taking pictures of me :P

 What a blessed time this weekend has been!  Here are some more pictures from our visits together at L's school as well as some silliness :)

I love this smile!

more dancing!

she thought my dancing was pretty funny :P

like I was saying... L likes to take silly pictures of us!

on Sunday we rode the maschutka to a christian church!  We met some wonderful people!

Outside of the little Christian church!  we were pretty excited!

Oh my goodness!  These beautiful blessings the Lord has given to us!  My conclusion:  Yes, my pants are dirty, yes I kinda smell bad, yes my tummy hurts because I've not had access to my normal food, and blah blah... but oh my goodness these blessings!!!!  Oh my Lord I thank you for this great great love you are showing me!  I LOVE this darling girl!  I am so so grateful for my time here!  "Give thanks to the Lord in ALL circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus!!!! "

Thank you Lord! Amen!

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